Poker is a family of card games, played worldwide. Players compete to win a pot of money by having the best hand. The rules of each game vary, but they all involve one or more rounds of betting and a final showdown in which the hands are revealed and the winner is determined.
A hand is a grouping of five cards in a poker game. These can be the five cards you were dealt or a combination of your cards and the cards in the community.
The highest hand wins; a tie is broken by the highest unmatched card or secondary pair (in a full house [a five-card hand made up of three of a kind and a pair]). Ties are not broken by suits, except in certain situations.
Rank of standard poker hands
In the United States, the highest possible hand in standard Texas hold ’em is four of a kind. The next highest is a straight flush, which beats any two pairs.
Draw poker: In draw poker, each player is dealt five cards face down, followed by a betting interval and then a showdown in which the hands are shown. The players may then discard up to three of their own cards and take new ones from the top of the deck, after which they can continue betting.
Cash games: In cash games, players place their chips in the pot continuously until they either call or fold (explained below). The players must put into the pot at least as many chips as any previous player. If a player folds, they lose all of their chips.