SBOBET is one of the most popular Asian bookmakers and offers a variety of betting games, online casino games and Asian sports in various languages. Moreover, their customer service representatives are always available to assist you in case of any queries.
The company operates under the licenses of the Philippines and Isle of Man, and specializes in online gambling. However, it is illegal to register for Sbobet from the United States due to a federal ban on internet gambling. If you do, you may be subject to criminal charges and could lose your money.
Sbobet also does not allow users to deposit funds via a US bank account, and requires a verified address before withdrawing any winnings. This is why it’s important to read the terms and conditions carefully before registering for an account.
The My Bets page shows a summary of all running and waiting bets that you’ve placed. This will help you track your activity and manage your bets. You can also add bets to your favorites so that you can easily view them at a glance. The site is protected by VeriSign Extended Validation SSL to ensure your personal information is kept secure. You can also use a promotion code when you make your first deposit to receive a bonus. This is an easy way to increase your bet amount.